
Kerry’s Attacks on Bush May Prove to Be a Two-Edged Sword

by Stuart Rothenberg September 26, 2005 · 12:09 AM EDT

Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry (D) came out swinging recently against President Bush, but it’s unclear whether he’s simply still fighting the last war – the ’04 presidential campaign – or positioning himself for 2008.

Minutes after Bush finished his Sept. 15 address to the nation promising…

Colorado 4: Third Verse, Same as the First

by Nathan L. Gonzales September 23, 2005 · 11:15 PM EDT

Republican Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave has been in Congress for only three years, yet she already finds herself in the crosshairs of Democrats all across the country.

Her unabashed conservative stances and under whelming election percentages drive many Democrats crazy. Yet once again,…

Virginia Governor: Down to the Wire

by Nathan L. Gonzales September 23, 2005 · 11:10 PM EDT

With just six weeks to go, some voters in Virginia are still waiting to tune in to their state’s race for governor. In a state with political heavyweights like Sen. George Allen (R), Gov. Mark Warner (D), and Sen. John Warner (R), a majority of voters appear uninspired by each party’s nominee for…

Katrina Narrows Barbour’s Options – But Only for Now

by Stuart Rothenberg September 22, 2005 · 9:18 PM EDT

Four years ago, a national tragedy transformed a controversial mayor, New York’s Rudy Giuliani (R), into a national celebrity. It also transformed a president with sinking poll ratings, George W. Bush, into a symbol of national unity (at least for a year).

Hurricane Katrina has had a very…

2006 Back Issues

September 22, 2005 · 3:04 PM EDT

The following are past races covered in the hard-copy edition of The Rothenberg Political Report and are available only to subscribers. Back issues are not sold individually. Subscription information is here.

December 15, 2006, Vol. 29, No. 28
Illinois 6: Money Pit
Pennsylvania 4: To the Beat of Her…

2005 Back Issues

September 21, 2005 · 11:26 PM EDT

The following are past races covered in the hard-copy edition of The Rothenberg Political Report and are available only to subscribers. Back issues are not sold individually. Subscription information is here.

December 20, 2005, Vol. 28, No. 26
2006 Political Landscape

December 16, 2005, Vol. 28, No.…

Nathan Gonzales Bio

by Nathan L. Gonzales September 19, 2005 · 10:50 PM EDT

Nathan L. Gonzales is political editor of The Rothenberg Political Report, a non-partisan political newsletter covering U.S. House, Senate and gubernatorial campaigns, and Presidential politics. He has been with the Report since June 2001 and is also a Contributing Writer for Roll Call, the…

R.I. Senate Contest Heats Up With Laffey’s Entry Into Race

by Stuart Rothenberg September 19, 2005 · 9:22 PM EDT

Cranston Mayor Steve Laffey entered the Rhode Island Republican Senate race with a bang – a wave of TV advertising that’s highly unusual more than a year before the 2006 primary. Now the question is whether the incumbent, Sen. Lincoln Chafee (R), can change the likely dynamic in the race and,…

Midterms Spell Trouble, But ‘Itch’ Theory Is A Real Head-Scratcher

by Stuart Rothenberg September 15, 2005 · 9:24 PM EDT

Over the next year, as we move toward the 2006 elections, we are likely to hear more and more talk of the so-called six-year itch – the historical “trend” that has meant big losses for the president’s party six years into his presidency.

That’s a pity, since the six-year itch is little more…

Beware the Words ‘I’m From the Media, And I’m Here to Help’

by Stuart Rothenberg September 12, 2005 · 9:27 PM EDT

I have lots of friends in the national media, and I value their intelligence, dedication and integrity, as well as the important stories that they’ve broken. But I’ve had it with the way the media as a whole – and television in particular – has handled the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Too many…