
Different Picture of Evangelical Voters in New Hampshire

by Nathan L. Gonzales January 9, 2008 · 1:09 AM EST

Less than a week after former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee rode to victory on the shoulders of evangelical voters, he hit a speed bump in New Hampshire with the same group.

In Iowa, 60% of GOP caucus goers were self-described born again or evangelical Christian. Huckabee won the group with a…

Winners & Losers From Iowa

by Stuart Rothenberg January 4, 2008 · 6:41 AM EST

After months of speculation about who’ll win Iowa, we finally have winners and losers. Some of them are obvious, while others may not be. One thing for sure is that a rousing speech on caucus night doesn’t mean a candidate has won. In some cases, losers seemed to yell even louder than winners.

Iowa Coverage

January 3, 2008 · 2:29 PM EST

Just a heads up, Stu will be on the NewsHour on PBS tonight analyzing the Iowa results with Amy Walter of the Hotline. You can click here for your local listings. There will also be a special 11pm (Eastern) show on the caucuses.

2008 Back Issues

January 1, 2008 · 12:05 AM EST

The following are past races covered in the print edition of The Rothenberg Political Report. Back issues are not sold individually and are not available online. Subscriptions are available via credit card on the website or by check. All subscriptions are delivered via regular U.S. mail.


In Iowa, Will Edwards Divide and Conquer?

December 31, 2007 · 12:05 AM EST

While the Democratic race has often, and quite accurately, been described as a choice between change (Barack Obama and John Edwards) and experience (Hillary Rodham Clinton), it has, in the final days before Iowa, become another kind of choice as well.

Democrats must decide whether they want a…

Republican Race Twists & Turns Even Before Bhutto Assassination

December 28, 2007 · 2:02 PM EST

Even before the death of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto on Thursday, there were signs of continued churning in the GOP race, with Arizona Senator John McCain pulling even with and ahead of former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney in New Hampshire, according to knowledgeable observers.


Reviewing the Best and the Worst of Politics in 2007

by Stuart Rothenberg December 25, 2007 · 11:05 PM EST

It’s the end of the year, and, presumably many of us are tired of all the supposedly insightful political hot air that we’ve been mindlessly blowing over the past 12 months. That means it’s time for an end-of-the-year column featuring my take on the best and worst, my most favorite and least…

New Print Edition: 2008 Gubernatorial Outlook

December 21, 2007 · 2:35 PM EST

The December 21, 2007 print edition of the Rothenberg Political Report is on its way to subscribers. This is our final issue of the year.

The print edition comes out every two weeks and the content is not available online. Subscribers get in-depth analysis of the most competitive races in the…

Why Mitt Romney Can’t ‘Solve’ His Mormon Problem

by Stuart Rothenberg December 19, 2007 · 11:05 PM EST

Reviews from conservatives of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s speech on religion have generally been good. Former Ronald Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan wrote in The Wall Street Journal that Romney did “very, very well.”

“The words he said will likely have a real and positive impact on…

Is Mike Huckabee the None of the Above Candidate?

by Stuart Rothenberg December 16, 2007 · 11:05 PM EST

A slew of new polls have confirmed that former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee’s Iowa surge has catapulted him to the lead in the GOP caucuses. He shows movement in other state and national polling as well, though not in New Hampshire.

The Huckabee boomlet has been stunningly swift, even surprising…