House News & Analysis

Do the PPP Polls Mean Anything?

by Stuart Rothenberg November 4, 2011 · 11:57 AM EDT

A recent memo by Public Policy Polling Director Tom Jensen proclaimed that the firm’s recent batch of surveys “shows Democrats can take House in 2012.”

While it is too early to know whether the party will gain the 25 seats it needs for a majority, it’s pretty clear…

Maryland House: New Map Endangers Bartlett

November 4, 2011 · 11:54 AM EDT

Democrats passed a new congressional map that puts long-time Cong. Roscoe Bartlett’s (R) electoral career on life-support.

Early on it looked like Democrats would target freshman Cong. Andy Harris (R), but his Eastern Shore district looks safe. Meanwhile, Bartlett went from having a miniscule portion of Montgomery County,…

Nevada House: Democrats Could Win Three of Four Seats

November 4, 2011 · 11:53 AM EDT

A court finally drew a map after legislators couldn’tdecide on a compromise and Democrats should be pleased.

Nevada gained a seat during reapportionment and the new lines give Democrats an opportunity to win three of the state’s four seats.

Cong. Mark Amodei (R), who just won a…

Utah House: Matheson’s Tough Decision

November 4, 2011 · 11:52 AM EDT

Republicans passed a new congressional map that puts Democratic Cong. Jim Matheson (D) in jeopardy.

Matheson’s been in Republican districts before but now Republicans are giving him new territory. The Democratic congressman ruled out running for the U.S. Senate, leaving a gubernatorial run, re-election, or retirement as his…

So You Want to Be a Political Handicapper, Part II

by Stuart Rothenberg November 2, 2011 · 9:49 AM EDT

In my last column, I reported on my reactions after recently interviewing five House candidates. Here are my thoughts on the other five, all Democrats, whom I saw during a day of “speed interviewing.”

Ann Kuster (New Hampshire’s 2nd district). Kuster has already emerged as one of the…

Think You Can Be a Political Handicapper?

by Stuart Rothenberg October 28, 2011 · 11:49 AM EDT

After meeting and interviewing Missouri Republican Congressional candidate Ann Wagner on Monday, I had the opportunity the following day to interview nine Democratic House candidates in less than four hours — the political version of speed dating.

Yes, national party strategists set up the interviews with the nine…

Stu’s Dangerous Dozen: Unsafe House Incumbents

by Stuart Rothenberg October 26, 2011 · 11:22 AM EDT

For years now, I’ve been running lists of vulnerable open seats and incumbents, so there is no reason to wait until all states have completed redistricting. Here are the most vulnerable incumbents who are currently planning on seeking re-election. One caveat: I have excluded incumbents running against incumbents, whether…

Wisconsin 7: Duffy’s Defense

by Nathan L. Gonzales October 21, 2011 · 11:56 PM EDT

Democrats were demolished in Wisconsin in 2010, but defeating freshman Cong. Sean Duffy (R) is a key part of their comeback.

Last year, Republicans took over the governorship, knocked off Sen. Russ Feingold (D), took over two congressional seats, and won majorities in both chambers of the state…

Illinois 11: DisMemberment Plan

by Nathan L. Gonzales October 21, 2011 · 11:55 PM EDT

There aren’t many districts where Barack Obama got over 60% and yet Republicans believe they’ve got a legitimate shot at winning. But Cong. Judy Biggert (R) gives her party’s strategists hope that she can hold Illinois’ re-drawn 11th District.

Democrats made the most of their opportunity to redraw…

Why Is There So Much Mud in South Carolina?

by Stuart Rothenberg October 19, 2011 · 12:52 PM EDT

When South Carolina state Rep. Thad Viers (R) came in for an interview recently, I wasn’t sure what to expect.

I knew that he was a successful, young officeholder who surely was one of the favorites to win in the Palmetto State’s new Congressional district. I knew that…