
New Congressional Maps Deliver Presents for Some, Coal for Others

by Jessica Taylor January 5, 2012 · 11:33 AM EST

While most of the news was focused on Iowa and the presidential race during the holidays, several states were rushing to meet year-end deadlines to redraw their congressional lines. In New Jersey, losing a congressional seat now guaranteed a Democrat will be on the chopping block, while in…

For Mitt Romney, It’s Still Divide and Conquer

by Stuart Rothenberg January 3, 2012 · 9:48 AM EST

“Romney surges in Iowa on issue of electability” proclaimed the odd headline on the front page of Thursday’s Washington Post, citing a late December CNN/Time/ORC International poll showing Mitt Romney at 25 percent, leading Rep. Ron Paul (22 percent) and former Sen. Rick Santorum (16 percent) in…

Cornilles Goes on Offense in Oregon 1 Special

by Nathan L. Gonzales January 2, 2012 · 11:21 PM EST

With a Rose Bowl victory in the books, voters in Oregon’s 1st Congressional District have more time to turn from the University of Oregon Ducks’ explosive offense to a different kind of attack.

Republican nominee Rob Cornilles is going up with an ad on Tuesday that criticizes his Democratic…

Time for Rothenberg Annual Year-End Awards

by Stuart Rothenberg December 21, 2011 · 8:15 AM EST

Each year I try to give my own awards for the best and the worst, the silliest and the oddest. There were plenty of strange developments this year — heck, the entire Republican race for president has bordered on the bizarre — so there is more than enough material. This year, each category…

Under the Radar, Republicans Seek Gov Gains Across the Country

by Nathan L. Gonzales December 16, 2011 · 3:00 PM EST

While most of the attention focused on 2012 is on the presidential contest and the fight for the House and Senate, Republicans are looking to extend their advantage in governorships across the country.

After the 2010 elections, Republicans control 29 governorships compared to 22 for Democrats,…

Newt’s Surge: How High, How Long?

by Stuart Rothenberg December 16, 2011 · 2:58 PM EST

The rise of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is as real as it is unexpected.

Unlike Rick Perry’s surge upon entering the GOP race or Herman Cain’s surge after Perry stalled, Gingrich’s rise in the polls is different because his standing in the party is different than those who rose and fell…

Illinois 12: A Tall Order

by Nathan L. Gonzales December 16, 2011 · 2:58 PM EST

Democrats used their redistricting power to slice up Republican districts and incumbents across the state of Illinois. But Cong. Jerry Costello’s (D) surprising retirement gives Republicans an opportunity to swipe a seat in President Obama’s home state.

Before his announcement, Republicans…