
New Print Edition: 2006 Gubernatorial Outlook

August 11, 2006 · 2:29 PM EDT
The new August 11, 2006 print edition of the Rothenberg Political Report is on its way to subscribers. (Click here for subscription information.)

2006 Gubernatorial Outlook

While House and Senate Democrats garner the bulk of the national media attention, many of the best Democratic opportunities this…

New Print Edition: 2006 Gubernatorial Outlook

August 11, 2006 · 2:29 PM EDT

The new August 11, 2006 print edition of the Rothenberg Political Report is on its way to subscribers. (Click here for subscription information.)

2006 Gubernatorial Outlook

While House and Senate Democrats garner the bulk of the national media attention, many of the best Democratic opportunities…

New York 24: Upstate New York’s Open Seat Remains a Democratic Target

by Stuart Rothenberg August 10, 2006 · 12:02 AM EDT

While most of the residents of Cooperstown, N.Y., have been more interested in the Hall of Fame induction ceremony and the summer weather, Otsego County political junkies have been captivated by the developing race to fill the seat of retiring Rep. Sherwood Boehlert (R).

Boehlert, a moderate…

Congress is Full of Former B-List Candidates

August 9, 2006 · 12:02 AM EDT

According to Republicans, Democrats have a paltry list of B-List House challengers that will render them unable to take over the House. But let’s face it, you don’t always have to be a top tier candidate to get elected to Congress and there are dozens of members in office that prove the point.

In Baseball, and America, Race Is Still a Topic for Discussion

by Stuart Rothenberg August 7, 2006 · 12:02 AM EDT

COOPERSTOWN, N.Y.—Three days after President Bush signed a 25-year extension of the Voting Rights Act into law, the National Baseball Hall of Fame inducted a class of 17 players, managers and executives from black baseball.

The inductees included Cristóbal Torriente, a center fielder who played…

Connecticut Senate: What Happens After Lieberman Loses?

August 6, 2006 · 12:05 AM EDT

While Connecticut’s Democratic U.S. Senate primary is still a few days away, the writing now appears to be on the wall: Sen. Joe Lieberman is going to fall to challenger Ned Lamont in the Tuesday, August 8th primary.

Both public and, more importantly, private polls show the Senator headed for a…

Pennsylvania 6: Challenger Murphy Leads in New Poll

August 4, 2006 · 9:50 AM EDT

A new poll for Democratic challenger Lois Murphy shows her leading GOP Cong. Jim Gerlach 42%-41%. While this is a statistical dead-heat, the results are significant given the President’s standing in the district and Gerlach’s far weaker position now than he was in his last race.

According to…

Maryland Senate: L’Affaire Steele- Apparently, Honesty Isn’t the Best Policy

by Stuart Rothenberg August 3, 2006 · 12:03 AM EDT

So now we know. The clues, actually, made this case easy to solve. It didn’t take forensics or truth serum or even a lie detector. No, it wasn’t Col. Mustard in the conservatory with the rope or Professor Plum in the hall with the candlestick.

It was Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele (R). In the…

Washington Senate: Is Mike McGavick the Republican Party’s Mr. Right?

by Stuart Rothenberg July 31, 2006 · 12:02 AM EDT

Chances are, if you are following the midterm elections in general, and the fight for control of the Senate in particular, you’ve heard of Mike McGavick. He’s the former CEO of Safeco, a major insurance company that he turned from a basket case into a profitable business.

I write neither to…

New Print Edition: Minnesota Senate & National Senate Overview

July 28, 2006 · 12:02 AM EDT

The new July 28, 2006 print edition of the Rothenberg Political Report is on its way to subscribers. (Click here for subscription information.)

Minnesota Senate: A Takeover or a Makeover?
By Barry Casselman

The open U.S. Senate seat contest in Minnesota resembles one of those new super rides at an…