President News & Analysis

There’s Still Plenty of Uncertainty After McCain’s Shake-up

by Stuart Rothenberg July 16, 2007 · 12:05 AM EDT

First there were four, and now there are three — three top-tier GOP presidential candidates, at least if you count a guy who still isn’t officially a candidate. Sen. John McCain now has the second tier all to himself.

The shake-up at the McCain presidential campaign isn’t as…

Historical Perspective on Second-Quarter Fundraising Numbers

by Stuart Rothenberg July 12, 2007 · 12:05 AM EDT

I can’t understand why so many political observers, including those who do observing for a living, seem to ignore history, even recent history, as they offer quick analysis and assessments of presidential candidate fundraising numbers.

One political blogger recently cited Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-Ill.) impressive second-quarter fundraising numbers…

8 for ‘08: Battleground States to Watch

by Nathan L. Gonzales July 3, 2007 · 12:05 AM EDT

By Nathan L. Gonzales

Only six months into the election cycle, the universe of 2008 battleground states is already beginning to take shape. But an accurate list of the battlegrounds includes more than just the presidential race and takes into account states where hot House, Senate…

8 for ’08: Battleground States to Watch

by Stuart Rothenberg July 3, 2007 · 12:05 AM EDT

Only six months into the election cycle, the universe of 2008 battleground states is already beginning to take shape. But an accurate list of the battlegrounds includes more than just the presidential race and takes into account states where hot House, Senate and even gubernatorial races also will be…

Will Voters Respond to a Message of Unity or of Division?

by Stuart Rothenberg July 2, 2007 · 12:05 AM EDT

For months, many commentators have argued that voters are sick and tired of partisanship and division. The years of Clinton-bashing by conservatives and Bush-bashing by liberals have taken a toll on the less polarized American public, and Americans are looking for a true uniter. At least that’s what many…

McCain’s ’08 Dilemma: Can He Recapture the Magic He Once Had?

by Stuart Rothenberg June 28, 2007 · 12:05 AM EDT

Here’s a bit of unsolicited advice for Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign (which has plenty of smart people and doesn’t need my advice): Try to get back to McCain’s story.

It isn’t news that McCain’s campaign is staggering under the weight of weaker-than- expected fundraising and poll numbers,…

Handicapping Versus Reporting, Analyzing the Presidential Race

by Stuart Rothenberg June 21, 2007 · 12:05 AM EDT

As I’ve watched the first few months of the 2008 presidential race, I’ve been struck by how differently the race can be watched and evaluated.

Most print and television political reporters, along with their editors, are approaching the contests for the Democratic and Republican presidential nominations as if…

Iowa Straw Poll: Over Long Before It Really Began

by Stuart Rothenberg June 14, 2007 · 12:05 AM EDT

Less than a month ago in this space, I observed that the fast-approaching Iowa straw poll in Ames on Aug. 11 could offer some interesting insights into the Republican race for president. To quote Emily Litela (Gilda Radner) of “Saturday Night Live” fame, “Never mind.”

The recent announcement…

Obama’s Message Crosses the Atlantic

by Stuart Rothenberg June 12, 2007 · 12:05 AM EDT

NAIROBI, Kenya — Across the stream of raw sewage and past the piles of trash, Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-Ill.) message of hope resonates thousands of miles away. In Nairobi’s poorest neighborhoods, the prospect of a President Obama has captured the imagination of the next generation of Kenyans.


Democratic Leaders on Capitol Hill Are Still Playing Iraq Just Right

by Stuart Rothenberg June 11, 2007 · 12:05 AM EDT

Now that the dust has settled on the Congressional vote on the supplemental appropriations bill and on the ruckus that anti-war opponents of the bill kicked up, it’s time to assess the political implications.

First, Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill played the issue like a Stradivarius. They forced…