Governor News & Analysis

January 23, 2009 Gubernatorial Outlook

by Nathan L. Gonzales January 23, 2009 · 1:00 PM EST

Last year was considered a “light” year for governors, with only eleven states electing a chief executive. But over the next two years, 38 states will vote for governor, including at least 17 open seats, and nine of the ten most populous states in the country.

Democrats gained…

2008 Gubernatorial Overview (October 31, 2008)

October 31, 2008 · 11:34 AM EDT

For much of 2008, only four of the eleven races were considered competitive: Missouri, Indiana, North Carolina, and Washington. Now the competitive playing field has narrowed to just two, and our range continues to be a Democratic gain of one governorship to a Republican gain of a governorship.

Wild Polling in the Wild, Wild West

by Nathan L. Gonzales September 29, 2008 · 12:10 AM EDT

We’ve entered the season of dueling polls, and Montana’s gubernatorial race is no exception.

Earlier this week, the Montana Democratic Party released a poll showing Gov. Brian Schweitzer (D) with a huge 39-point lead over his challenger, state Sen. Roy Brown (R). The poll, conducted Sept.…

Louisiana Governor: Jindal Poised to Crack 50%

October 19, 2007 · 12:00 PM EDT

It ain’t over til it’s over, but Republican Bobby Jindal now appears likely to get at least 50% of the votes cast in Saturday’s Louisiana gubernatorial election. If he does, he will avoid a runoff and be elected governor, taking the office from the Democrats.

Jindal faces a handful of…

Young Operatives Guide Governors Associations

by Stuart Rothenberg September 12, 2007 · 12:05 AM EDT

The fate of governors nationwide currently is in the hands of two very young operatives.

Democratic Governors Association Executive Director Nathan Daschle, 33, and Republican Governors Association Executive Director Nick Ayers, 25, lead multimillion-dollar campaign committees that could impact Congressional redistricting and even produce a future president of…

Governors Associations Retooling for the Long Haul

by Stuart Rothenberg September 11, 2007 · 12:05 AM EDT

Two Washington, D.C.-based campaign committees are changing their strategies — moves that could benefit Members on Capitol Hill and undoubtedly will affect redistricting after the 2010 Census.

The Democratic Governors Association and Republican Governors Association don’t get a lot of attention in this city because their targets are…

EMILY’s List Releases New Endorsements

by Stuart Rothenberg September 5, 2007 · 4:52 PM EDT

EMILY’s List, which describes itself as “the nation’s largest grassroots political network” and says that it “is dedicated to building a progressive America by electing pro-choice Democratic women to federal, state, and local office,” has mailed its second round of endorsements this cycle.

The mailing, which is headed…

EMILY’s List Releases New Endorsements

September 5, 2007 · 4:52 PM EDT
EMILY’s List, which describes itself as "the nation's largest grassroots political network" and says that it "is dedicated to building a progressive America by electing pro-choice Democratic women to federal, state, and local office," has mailed its second round of endorsements this cycle.

The mailing, which is headed to…

Perry, not Blunt, to Chair RGA in 2008

August 29, 2007 · 12:05 AM EDT

In a development not yet made public, knowledgeable Republicans say that Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) is likely to take over the Republican Governors Association in 2008. The move is significant because RGA Vice Chairman Matt Blunt (R) has been in line to become chairman next year. Governor Blunt is…

New Print Edition: 2007-08 Gubernatorial Outlook

August 24, 2007 · 2:58 PM EDT
The August 24, 2007 print edition of the Rothenberg Political Report is on its way to subscribers. The print edition comes out every two weeks and the content is not available online. Subscribers get in-depth analysis of the most competitive races in the country, as well…