Governor News & Analysis

Rick Perry: Republican Savior or GOP Disaster?

by Stuart Rothenberg June 22, 2011 · 11:22 AM EDT

The buzz about Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s possible entrance into the presidential race grows, but the Republican’s cheerleaders ought to tread carefully when it comes to a Perry candidacy — very carefully.

Perry, 61, surely would be a serious contender for the GOP nomination, at least initially. He…

Will Governors Hurt GOP’s White House Prospects?

by Stuart Rothenberg June 17, 2011 · 9:32 AM EDT

After seeing the argument multiple times that Republican governors’ low poll numbers in key states could severely damage the prospects of the eventual GOP presidential nominee, I figured it was time to track down how that argument spread and to take a look at it.

On May 25,…

2011-12 Gubernatorial Outlook (April 1, 2011)

by Nathan L. Gonzales April 1, 2011 · 3:01 PM EDT

After an exciting 2010 when nearly three-quarters of the states elected a governor, the four-year gubernatorial cycle starts again with four sleepy races. The two parties will battle in Kentucky and West Virginia this year, with North Carolina, Montana, Missouri, and West Virginia (again) looking like the top states…

Irish Immigrant Is Nexus of O’Malley’s DGA

by Nathan L. Gonzales February 15, 2011 · 8:23 AM EST

Colm O’Comartun grew up on another continent, but he’s stepping into one of Washington’s most important campaign positions.

The Irish-born O’Comartun couldn’t have known that one day he would be executive director of the Democratic Governors Association, but his love for policy and record of loyal service to…

‘Mr. Hustle’ Takes Virginia Record to National Stage

by Nathan L. Gonzales February 14, 2011 · 10:20 AM EST

Phil Cox is the only left-winger in the country trying to get Republicans elected governor.

From the hockey rink to the campaign trail, Cox has never been the attention-getter. But after managing Republican Bob McDonnell’s gubernatorial victory in Virginia and now as the new executive director of the…

Kentucky Governor: Insert Horse Race Analogy Here

by Nathan L. Gonzales December 17, 2010 · 3:30 PM EST

Two years ago, who would have thought that candidates would be trying to emulate Ron Paul’s son’s campaign? But after Republican Rand Paul’s incredible rise to the U.S. Senate from Kentucky last year, at least one candidate is trying to recreate the magic in 2011. 

The cement is…

Mississippi Governor: Haley’s Shadow

by Nathan L. Gonzales December 17, 2010 · 3:29 PM EST

The political world will be watching Mississippi next year, but not necessarily because of the state’s gubernatorial election.

Out-going Gov. Haley Barbour (R) is a potential presidential candidate and would be viewed as a considerable force in the contest for the GOP nomination in 2012 if he decides…

Louisiana Governor: Lonely at the Top

by Nathan L. Gonzales December 17, 2010 · 3:28 PM EST

Technically, voters in Louisiana will select a governor next year, but almost a year out from the election it doesn’t look as if Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) is going to have much of a race.

President Obama lost the state by almost 20 points in 2008, but Democrats…

DLC’s 100 Democrats List Predicted Governors, Stars

by Nathan L. Gonzales December 14, 2010 · 2:34 PM EST

In the summer of 2000, Baltimore Mayor Martin O’Malley appeared on the cover of the Democratic Leadership Council’s magazine. A decade later, O’Malley was re-elected to a second term as governor of Maryland and is the new chairman of the Democratic Governors Association.

O’Malley was one of the…

Rothenberg’s End of the Year Awards for 2010

by Stuart Rothenberg December 10, 2010 · 11:02 AM EST

Every year, I look back and nominate a number of politicians, campaigns and politically related entities as the “best,” “worst” or even “weirdest” of the cycle. I’m doing it again this year, because — let’s be honest — it’s a way of combining political analysis with personal animosity.